These are a few documents which I have transcribed from hand written text. I will add others if I feel them important, as I can find them.
Memorandum of Agreement made between Richard Bennett of New Mills in the Parish of Glossop and County of Derby and John Charles Yates in the presence of Thomas Turner of Manchester solicitor to the Misses Creswell on whose behalf it was agreed that Bennett and Cresswell should let and John and Charles Yates should take for the term of twenty one years. The Torr Top Meadow and so much of the Torr Brows as are bounded by a line from the corner of Torr Top Cottage to the river opposite to the higher corner of Samuel Armstrong’s House to a plot of the said Brows leased to Thomas Oldham with liberty to make a Road to the premises occupied by them under the assignees of Thomas Oldham for which Meadows and Brows with the liberty of Road they shall pay to the said Bennett and Creswell’s or their order the annual rent of sixteen pounds ten shillings by two equal half yearly payments for the term of twenty one years commencing the 25th day of March 1835.
Reserving nevertheless liberty for the said Bennett and Creswell’s or their workmen to enter upon the said premises to crop or lop the timber growing thereon or fell and carry away the same at their pleasure. Provided always that if any of the said Meadow shall be wanted for building purposes or to make a road over the Torr the said Bennett and Creswell’s or their assigns shall beat liberty to take any part thereof at any time allowing for what may be taken a regular proportion of Rent. Likewise reserving to the said Bennett and Creswell’s a right of road to the Torrs as effectually as it is reserved though a plot of land part of the said Brows leased to Thomas Oldham which lease is dated the first day of July 1829. We do hereby agree that a lease shall be prepared according to the afore said memorandum.
There are three signatures - Rich Bennett, John Charles Yates and Thomas Turner
An Indenture of Lease for Torr Mill
This Indenture made the thirty first day of December one thousand right hundred and eighty three Between John Schofield of the City of Liverpool Gentleman of the first part, Samuel Kenworthy Schofield of Waterloo in the county of Lancaster Gentleman of the second part. The said Samuel Kenworthy Schofield James Radford of the City of Liverpool, corn merchant and Francis Anderson of the same place Timber Merchant of the third part. Edwin Carrington of the same place Glass Manufacturer and Alice his wife of the fourth part. The said John Schofield and Edwin Carrington of the fifth part. Mary Ann Schofield of Melbourne, Australia, spinster of the sixth part. Robert Hugh Unsworth of Cartwell, Grange over Sands in the said county of Lancaster Gentleman and Mary his wife of the said district of the seventh part, the said John Schofield of the eighth part and The Local Board for the District of New Mills in the county of Derby acting as the Urban authority for the said district hereinafter called the said Urban authority of the ninth part.
Whereas by an indenture dated the 17th day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty four made between John Badderley Ratcliffe, John Cresswell and Anne his wife, and John Bennett of the one part and Randle Taylor of the other. All that plot, piece or parcel of land as the same was then set out in Whitle hamlet in the said County of Derby being part of an estate there called Torr Top and lying at the south end of a certain close called Old Croft at the bottom thereof adjoining the rivers or streams of water known by the names of the Kinder and Goyt at or near a place where the same unite and bounded on the northerly and westerly sides thereof by the rocky part of the same close and on the southerly and easterly sides thereof by the said rivers or streams of water or one of them and contained by estimation in length along the upper part thereof from water to water fourteen rods or perches of Cheshire measure or thereabouts together with the streams of water adjoining thereto and also with liberty and power for him the said Randle Taylor his executers administrators or assigns to take and divert the said streams or either of them to any work building or buildings already erected or which should thereafter be erected by the said Randle Taylor upon the said plot of land and also the free use of passing and repassing by over or through the way or road to be made by the said Randle Taylor along the northerly side of the building called the “Paper Dryinghouse” in pursuance of the power and covenant therein contained were / except therein is excepted / demised by the said John Badderley Ratcliffe John Cresswell and Anne his wife and John Bennett unto the said Randle Taylor his executers administrators and assigns from the twenty fifth day of March then last past for the term of nine hundred and ninety nine years subject to the payment of certain yearly rent of four pounds and thirteen shillings and performance of certain covenants conditions and agreements then expressed reserved and contained.
And Whereas by an indenture of underlease dated the second day of June one thousand eight hundred and four and made between the said Randle Taylor of the one part and Samuel Schofield of the other part for the considerations therein mentioned all that the said plot of land and all and singular other the premises comprised in and demised by the herein before recited indenture. And all and every the Cotton Mill and cotton mills edifices and other buildings then or at any time thereafter erected thereon were demised by the said Randle Taylor to the said Samuel Schofield his executers administrators and assigns from the twenty ninth day of September the next for and during and unto the full end and term of nine hundred and seventy years thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended under and subject nevertheless to the observance and performance of all and every the reservations covenants conditions and agreements in the said herein before recited indenture contained and subject to the payment during the said nine hundred and seventy years unto the said Randle Taylor his executers administrators and assigns of the clear yearly rent or sum of one hundred pounds.
And Whereas the said Samuel Schofield duly made and executed his last Will and Testament in writing dated the twenty eighth day of December one thousand eight hundred and twenty six whereby after making certain specific devises and bequests. He devised unto his three sons Robert Schofield, the said John Schofield and Samuel Schofield (intervalid) all that and those herein described plot of land and premises to hold the same to them his said sons their heirs executors administrators and assigns as tenants in common and not as joint tenants subject nevertheless to the payment of the rents so reserved in respect of the premises aforesaid. And also subject to and charged and chargeable with the annuity of Twenty pounds as herein after mentioned. And the said Testators bequeathed onto his wife and her assigns for the term of her natural life the said annuity or sum of Twenty pounds free from taxes to be payable as therein mentioned and of the said Cotton Mill or factory warehousing and cottages and the said testator charged the said premises with the payment of the same accordingly. And the said testator appointed his said Wife and his said sons Robert Schofield and John Schofield Executrix and Executors of that his Will.
And Whereas the said Samuel Schofield died on the seventh day of May one thousand eight hundred and thirty and his said Will was proved on the twenty third day of December following in the ecclesiastical court of the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry by the said Robert Schofield one of the executors thereof.
And Whereas by an indenture dated the second day of January one thousand eight hundred and thirty three and made between the Samuel Schofield of the first part Robert Schofield and John Schofield of the second part and John Beard shopkeeper of the third part. For the consideration therein mentioned the said Samuel Schofield did thereby assign and the said Robert Schofield and John Schofield did and each of them did assign unto the said John Beard his executors administrators and assigns all that the said plot of land and premises mentioned and described in and demised unto the said Samuel Schofield testator by the said here before recited Indenture of underlease to hold the same unto the said John Beard his executors administrators and assigns for all the residue of the said term of nine hundred and seventy years granted as aforesaid subject to the future payment of the said rent of One hundred pounds and performance and observance of the several covenants and conditions in the said firstly hereinbefore recited Indenture reserved and contained and subject also to the payment of the said annuity of Twenty pounds. And it was by the now reciting Indenture agreed and declared between the said parties thereto that the said John Beard his executors administrators and assigns should stand and be possessed of the same hereditaments and premises unto the trusts following that was to say as to one undivided moiety or equal half part thereof unto trust for the sole use and benefit of the said Robert Schofield his executors administrators and assigns and to assign and dispose of the same from time to time in such manner as he or they should appoint and in the meantime to permit him and them peaceably and quietly to posses the same and receive the rents and profits thereof for his own use and benefit absolutely and as to the other and remaining undivided moiety thereof unto trust for the sole use and benefit of the said John Schofield his executors administrators and assigns in like manner
And Whereas the said Mary Schofield widow of the testator Samuel Schofield died on the …5th… day of …March… one thousand eight hundred and …forty… And was buried at …St Georges Chapel, New Mills…
And Whereas the said Robert Schofield made and executed his last Will and Testament in writing bearing the date on or about the twenty eighth day of January one thousand eight hundred and thirty five wherein he devised and bequeathed all his share and interest in the factory and land situate and being in New Mills aforesaid to his wife Mary Schofield for her life and at her decease the testator gave the same share which in the now reciting Will was referred to as bequeathed to him by his late father unto his the testators children when the younger should reach the age of twenty one years if they lived so long and then he ordered the same to be sold and the money divided amongst them share and share alike and the testator appointed Thomas Roberts now deceased and the said John Schofield executors and his said wife executrix of his said Will.
And Whereas the said testator died on the first day of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty five without having altered or worked his said Will which on the seventh day of September in the same year was proved by the said executors and executrix in the consistory court of Chester and on the twenty first day of September one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven was also proved by them in the consistory court of Lichfield.
And Whereas by an Indenture dated the sixth day of July one thousand eight hundred and forty nine and made between the said John Beard of the first part the said John Schofield and Mary Schofield as the surviving executor and executrix under the hereinbefore recited Will of the said Robert Schofield deceased of the second part and the said John Schofield of the third part for the consideration therein mentioned it was witnessed that the said John Beard at the request and by the appointment of the said John Schofield and Mary Schofield as the executors and executrix as aforesaid did assign unto the said John Schofield and Mary Schofield their executors administrators and assigns all that undivided moiety or equal half part or share the whole into two equal parts being considered as divided of and in all and singular the plot of land mills or factory buildings cottages or dwelling houses shop gearing machinery warehousing and other the premises assigned unto the said John Beard by the herein recited indenture of the second day of January one thousand eight hundred and thirty three for the residue of the said term of nine hundred and seventy years therein to hold the same unto the said John Schofield and Mary Schofield their executors administrators and assigns as such executors and executrix as aforesaid for all the residue of the said term of nine hundred and seventy years upon the trust and subject to the powers and to be applied and disposed of according to the direction and trusts of the said recited Will of the said Robert Schofield deceased subject nevertheless to the payment of a proportionate part of the said yearly rent of one hundred pounds and all the payments in respect of the said premises and to the several covenants conditions and agreements to be observed and performed in respect of the same premises and by the now reciting Indenture it was further witnessed that for the same considerations the said John Beard at the request and by the appointment of the said John Schofield did assign unto the said John Schofield his executors administrators and assigns. All that remaining undivided moiety or equal half part of and in all and singular the plot of land, mill or factory buildings, cottages or dwelling houses, shop, gearing machinery, warehousing rights privileges and other the premises assigned unto the said John Beard by the hereinbefore recited Indenture of the second day of January one thousand eight hundred and thirty three for all the residue of the said term of nine hundred and seventy years as therein mentioned. To hold the same unto the said John Schofield in his own right his executors administrators and assigns absolutely for all the residue of the said term of nine hundred and seventy years subject nevertheless to the payment of a proportionate part of the said yearly rent of one hundred pounds and all other payments in respect of the said premises and to the several covenants conditions and agreements to be observed and performed in respect of the same premises.
And Whereas the said Robert Schofield had four children only namely Thomas Roberts Schofield the said Samuel Kenworthy Schofield and Alice Schofield all of whom had attained their respective ages of twenty one years and John Schofield who died in the month of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty four an infant of the age of ten weeks or thereabouts.
And Whereas by an Indenture dated the fourth day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty three and made between the said Alice Schofield of the first part the said Edwin Carrington of the second part and the said Samuel Kenworthy Schofield, James Radford and Francis Anderton of the third part after reciting that a marriage was then intended to be shortly solemnized between the said Alice Schofield and Edwin Carrington. It was witnessed that she the said Alice Schofield with the approbation of the said Edwin Carrington did grant convey and assign and the said Edwin Carrington did confirm unto the said Samuel Kenworthy Schofield, James Radford and Francis Anderton their heirs executors administrators and assigns (inter valid) all that the one equal third part or share or other the part or share to which the said Alice Schofield was or might become entitled of in or to the said share of the said Robert Schofield deceased of and in the factory lands hereditaments and premises in his said hereinbefore recited Will referred to or which might have become subject to the disposition in the same Will contained in favour of his children and of and in the money to arise from the sale of the same share under or to give effect to the provision or direction in that behalf in the same Will contained and of and in the immediate rents and profits thereof after the decease of the said Mary Schofield to hold the same unto and to the use of the said Samuel Kenworthy Schofield, James Radford and Francis Anderson their heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively according to their respective natures and tenures subject nevertheless to the life estate or interest therein respectively of the said Mary Schofield. And it was by the now reciting Indenture declared that the said Samuel Kenworthy Schofield, James Radford and Francis Anderson or the survivor or survivors of them or the heirs executors or administrators respectively of such survivors or survivor should with the consent in writing of the said Edwin Carrington and Alice his wife or the survivor of them during their lives sell the same respective parts or shares either together or in parcels and either by public auction or private contract and for the purposes aforesaid or any of them execute and do all such assurances and things or he should think fit.
And Whereas the said Mary Schofield died on the twenty fifth day of February one thousand eight hundred and seventy five and was buried at St James Cemetery, Liverpool leaving the said John Schofield her executor, her surviving.
And Whereas the said Thomas Roberts Schofield duly made and executed his last Will and Testament in writing bearing the date the fifteenth day of October one thousand eight hundred and sixty three whereby appointed his Uncle the said John Schofield and the said Edwin Carrington Executors and Trustees and gave and devised to them their executors administrators and assigns all the real and personal estate which he might be possessed of or entitled to at the time of his death with permission to sell any part of such real or personal estate as they might consider it beneficial to do upon trust to pay his debts and subject thereto pay the income to his wife Mary Schofield as long as she remained his widow and continued to live within twenty five miles of Liverpool, but in case the said Mary Schofield should remarry then to pay her an annuity of two hundred pounds and stand possessed of the trust premises upon trust for his (the testators) child or children which should be then living and the lawful issue of any child or children which might be dead leaving issue such issue to take only the parents share.
And Whereas the testator duly executed a codicil to his said last Will and testament but which said codicil did not in any way affect the premises the subject of these presents.
And Whereas the said testator died on the fourteenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and sixty four and his Will was duly proved in the district registry at Liverpool of the Probate Division of Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice on the twenty eighth day of January following.
And Whereas the said testator had one child only and no more namely the said Mary Ann Schofield party hereto.
And Whereas the said testators widow Mary Schofield has since remarried she having on the second day of March one thousand eight hundred and seventy one at St Johns Church, Longsight near Manchester intermarried with the said Robert Hugh Unsworth and she and the said Robert Hugh Unsworth being satisfied that the residue of the said testators real and personal estate is of ample value for securing the payment of her said annuity they have agreed to join in these presents for the purpose and in a manner hereinafter appearing.
And Whereas the said Urban authority intend constructing a bridge and road leading from New Mills to Newtown across a place there called the Torrs and they have applied to the said several persons parties hereto of the first seven parts to grant an easement over the plot of land containing four hundred and forty three square yards hereinafter described being part of the before mentioned plot of land containing fourteen roods demised by the secondly hereinbefore recited Indenture of the twenty second day of June one thousand eight hundred and four for the purposes hereinafter mentioned.
Now this Indenture witnesseth that in pursuance of the said Agreement and in consideration of the premises. The said John Schofield as the surviving executor under the Will of the late Robert Schofield deceased as to one moiety of and in the hereditaments hereinafter mentioned the whole into two equal parts being considered as divided and by the direction and with the consent and approbation of the said parties hereto of the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh parts testified by their being parties to and severally executing these presents doth hereby grant. And the said Samuel Kenworthy Schofield, James Radford and Francis Anderson as such trustees as aforesaid as to one third part of one half part of and in the same premises and at the request and by and with the consent and approbation of the said Edwin Carrington and Alice his wife testified as aforesaid. Do hereby respectively grant and confirm. And the said Samuel Kenworthy Schofield, Edwin Carrington and Alice his wife and Mary Ann Schofield as beneficial owners Do hereby also respectively grant and confirm. And the said John Schofield and Edwin Carrington as trustees under the hereinbefore recited Will of the said Thomas Roberts Schofield. Do hereby respectively grant and confirm. And the said Robert Hugh Unsworth and Mary his wife for the purpose of releasing the said hereditaments and premises from the payment of the said annuity of two hundred pounds so given to the said Mary Unsworth by the hereinbefore recited Will of the said Thomas Roberts Schofield and at the request of the said Urban authority do hereby release. And the said John Schofield in his own right and as beneficial owner as to the remaining moiety in the said hereditaments and premises Doth hereby grant to the said Urban authority full and free liberty and right to construct columns pillars, supports and arches necessary for forming a viaduct to connect the town or village of New Mills with the town and village of Newtown in and upon any part or parts of
All that plot piece or parcel of the land containing four hundred and forty three superficial square yards situate at or near Torr Mill within New Mills aforesaid being part of the said plot of land containing fourteen roods mentioned and described in the hereinbefore recited Indenture of the seventeenth day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty four and which said plot of land is more particularly described in the plan or ground plot thereof drawn in the margin of these presents and therein edged pink. Together with full and free liberty for the said Urban authority from time to time and at all times hereafter to enter upon the land of the said John Schofield in order to repair amend and maintain the said viaduct in such manner and materials as occasion shall require the said Urban authority making compensation to the said John Schofield for any damage or injury they may occasion by reason of such entry.
To hold the same right and privilege hereby granted expressed or intended so to be unto the said Urban authority for all the residue now to come and unexpired of the said term of nine hundred and seventy years and for all other the estate term and interest of them the said several persons parties hereto of the first seven parts therein or hereto at the rent and under subject to the conditions in the said Indenture of the twenty second day of June one thousand eight hundred and four reserved and contained and which on the part of the Lessee are or ought to be paid observed and performed.
Provided always And it is hereby agreed and declared that nothing herein contained shall be deemed or taken to vest in the said Urban authority the beneficial interest in the said piece of land hereinbefore described or to effect the rights of the said parties hereto of the first, second, third and fifth parts to the same save and except and so far as may be necessary for giving effect to the grant hereby made. And the said Urban authority do hereby Covenant with the said parties hereto of the first, second, third and fifth parts that they will not in any way interfere with or impede the existing flow of the river Goyt to and from the mill and premises called the Torr Mills except so far as the same may be impeded by the construction of the abutments, columns, pillars, supports and arches the subject of the grant hereby made nor in the execution of their works interfere with or impede the access to the said Mill and other premises, but will conduct the same so as to occasion as little inconvenience to the tenants and occupiers as possible. And the said John Schofield hereby acknowledges the right of the said Urban authority to the production of documents of title mentioned in the schedule hereto and to delivery of copies thereof and hereby undertakes for the safe custody thereof. And the said Samuel Kenworthy Schofield, James Radford and Francis Anderson hereby respectively acknowledge the right of the said Urban authority to the production of the hereinbefore recited Indenture of the fourth day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty three and to delivery of copies thereof and hereby undertake for the safe custody hereof
In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set heir hands and seals and the said Urban authority have hereunto affixed their common seal the day and year first above mentioned.
The Schedule before referred to
17th May 1784
22nd June 1804
2nd January 1833 The hereinbefore recited Indentures of these respective dates.
6th July 1849
Names of signatories
John Schofield
Samuel Schofield
Francis Anderson
James Radford
Edwin Carrington
Alice Carrington
Robert Hugh Unsworth
Mary Unsworth
Mary Ann Schofield
Stamp dated 28/2/84
Duchy of Lancaster Warrants & Commisions (1640)
Mr Clerk of the Dutchy
Where as an agreemt hath bin concluded and settled between his Ma:tie and the ffreeholders & Tenants of Bodin Middlecale and the Hamlitts wthin ye same (by virtue of his Ma:tie warrants under his Privy Segnitt in ye said agreemt minc[ ] ) for the conviying, granting and sittling as will the moyeties allowed and layd out for his Ma:tie as the other moyity remaining and belonging to said Towneship, unto the said ffreeholders and Tenants to bee improved and divided amongst themselves: Now to this and the said division may the better bie made and effected wth all equally and indifferincy; Make forth a Com to passe the Dutchy Siale directed to ffrancis Revell esq: Robt. Cryir Clerk Antho: Elcocke Clerk George Hopkinson Hinry Balgye & Robt: Yeavely gent: or to any two or more of them, directing & authorising them by a sufficient Jury and by two or more sufficient Surveys upon oath to divide, part, and lay out to every the said ffreeholders & Tenants of the said Township & hamlets theirof according to the pportion & quantity of their Inland, their severall shares and allotmts of the said waste & Common in a true equall and pportionable mannir both for quantity and quallity, according to the Tenor, intent, and true meaning of the two Cirtificates or agreemts and or the hands of [divease] of the said ffreeholders & Tenants herein tha[nnexed]; Wth all such necissary Articles intrucons and directions as may tend to the better execution and pfecting of the said division wth all such powir, clauses & limitations as in the like Cases is usuall the same to bee returnable quing [ ] And for so doing this shalbee ye warrant E: Newburgh
To the Clerk of his Ma:tie Dutchy of Lancaster or to his Diputie
Whereas we the ffreeholders and ancient Copyholders of Bowdon Middlecale whose names are subscribed have compounded with his Ma:tie for his said Ma:ties waste within the sayd Bowdon Middlecale /It is concluded and agreed upon by and between the sayd ffreeholders and ancient Copyholders for the quiet Division of all the Commons & waste wthin the sayd Bowdon Middlecale aswell the part of the waste belonging to the sayd ffreeholders as his sayd Ma:ties part that the Division shalbe made by the Survayors and a Jury to that purpose Swornd And that every one shalbe Served within his owne Hamlett of the next Commons lying to his In=land with all conveniencie, quantitie & qualitie considered And if yt chance that any of the Hamlett shall have more ffreehold of their Inlands then their Commons will extend unto: That then the Surplussage of those Commons whare in other Hamletts shalbe with all conveniencie added to that wch wauteth And further yt is agreed that if any question or controversie shall arise about the dividing joysting or stinting of the sayd ffreeholders and Ancient Copyholders within the sayd Bowdon Middlecale: and that the Division is to be made by the best, second & worst sort of land
Rand: Ashenhurste
Edmund Jodrell
John Legh
ffrancis Clayton
John Bretland
Robert Armfeild
William Barbar
William Hyde
ffrancis E Eyre
Nicklis Marchinton
Ric: ffryer
James Carrington
Robert Bradbury his mrk
Thomas Bowden
William Bradbury
Edward Bennet of the waterside
Robt Ridgway
John Bennet
John Kinder
John Stafford
John Heward
Raphe Hyde
Thomas Heward
John Bore
Thomas Godard
Robert Hyde
Robert Godard
Anthonie Stafford
George Beard
John Stafforde
Thomas Bradburie
John Hibbert
Thomas Boden
John Wylde
[ ] [Hayd]
Robert Bowdon
John Robotham
Marke Trickett
William Bennett de Haugh
John Warrington
Whereas we the ffreeholders and Copyholders of Bowdon Midlecale whose names are subscribed have compounded with his Ma:tie for his sayd Ma:ties waste within the sayd Bowdon Midlecale beinge Some 2208 Acres or thereabouts It is concluded by and between the sayd ffreholders and Copyholders for the quiett Division of the sayd Commons That the Division shalbe made by a Jurie and two or three Surveyors to that purpose sworne, to distinguish and divide the sayd Commons within Bowdon Middlecale into three parts, Best, middle, and worst, and then proporcon every Hamlett, their ratable parts according to their Inland, aswell of the best sort middle sort as of the worst sort: and yt is further agreed by & between the aforesayd ffreeholders and copyholders that every Hamlet shall have their owne so farre as their ratable and proporconal parts do stretch unto And if anie Hamlett be too short of anie of the aforesayd three divisions, that then those Hamletts soo wanting shall have their ratable and proporconable parts added unto them with conveniencie forth of those Hamletts next adjoyneinge to them where the overplus of the aforesayd three Divisions or of anie of them shalbe: And further it is agreed that every man shall have the benefitt of his owne Ring=fence according to his proporconable part: And likewise it is further agreed that yt shalbe referred to the most voyces within Bowdon Middlecale whether the ffreeholders part shalbe inclosed with the Kings part: And furthermore yt is agreed by and between the sayd ffreeholders & copyholders That the Jury and Surveyors shall divide to every particular man whom yt may concerne a Ratable part of every of the sayd Divisions according to the proporcon of his Inland.
Edmund Bradbury
Richard yeaveley
John Hyde
Thomas Bowdon
John dand
Robert Slake
John Morehous
vid dewsnopp
Raphe fferneley
vid mellor
John Hadfeild
Thomas mariott
Thomas Waterhouse
Thomas bradburie
Charles Kyrk
John hyde
Tho: Kyrk
George Lingard
Rob Hadfield
Charles Ashton
Edward Hyde
Raph Armefild
Thomas Cottrell
Rob Smith
John Ashton
John Waterhouse
[T ] Bawdon
Raph Meller
George Rollinson
Edward Downes
Lawrence Benet
Thomas Bradbury
Thomas Whytel
Rob Bradburie
1 Articles to bee ob[served] in the execucon of the Com: [cutoff] for the dividing the waste & Comons of Bodin Middlecale by [cutoff} the Com:rs Jury & Surveyers [cutoff] divide the whole waste to & amongst the ffreeholders & tenants equally & pportionally according to their inlands both for quantity & quality
2 To the end the same may bee the better effected the said Jury and Surveyors are to cast the whole waste into 3 distinct pts that is to say, the best sort of land the middle sort & worst sort numbring the quantity of acres of each of them.
3 They are to allott to every man, according to his inland, a ratable and proportionable part, of every of the said sorte of land so as before distinguished as farr as every one of them will inland and amount, to make up the whole pportion that will belong to every man;
4 That as farr as possible it may bee done every mans allotmt shall bee layd out to him wth his owne hamlitt and of such part of the wast as shalbe adiacent or neerest to his ring fence or inland & but in such hamletts where there is not land of all the three severall distinctions sufficient to make up the allottmt that wilbe due to every man wth in the same then the same shalbee supplied and layd out unto them our of the other next adiacent Hamletts wth all the Conveniency that may bee
5 The said Com:rs are to sumon all the said ffreeholders & Tenants and to take the votes of them whether the moyity belong=ing unto them shallbee divided & inclosed for the present together wch the other part purchased from the King or shall ly still in comon to bee ioysted or stinted, and if the most voyces shalbee for the dividing & inclosing then the said Com:rs Jury and Surveyors are to pceed in the executing of the same in such manner as they are before directed
WILL - John Bawdon of Aspinshaw Glossop: 19 October 1594
In the name of god Amen the xxv day of Aprill in the xxxvi yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth that now is I John Bawdon of the Aspenshawe in the county of Derby [being] sicke in body, but in mynde of good and perfect remembrance praysed be god knowinge the certenty of Death, and the uncerten tye of the houre and tyme thereof doe make this my last will and testament in maner And forme followinge first I comitt my soule to almighty god my maker, trustinge through the meryts of Christs passion to be one of gods elect and my body to be buryed in the church of Glossop where I am a parishonere. Item whereas I have taken by lease of Indenture to me and myne assignes of Richarde Hayes and Margret his wife one farm called Oxe hey lyinge and beinge in the parishe of Glossopp the sayde farme I give and assigne to Alles Bowdon my wife and to her assignes for and Dureinge all the tearme of yeares yet to come contayned in the lease of the Demised premises Item I give and assigne to Alles Bowdon my sayde wife her assignes all my interest and tytle of the thyrde part of a chase called the Great Aspenshawe, Duringe the tearme of yeares con tayned in a lease, taken of me Rowland GYERof Hassopp and others
I give to Margret Rygdway Daughter of the sayde Robert one lamb the rest of my goods after my funerall expences and Legacies contayned in this my lat will Discharged I give to Alles Bowden my sayde wife And of this my last will and testament I make and ordayne Mr Thomas Rawlinson of the Highgate to whom I give xs And alles Bowdon my sayde wife myne executors, and Raphe Garrage, Nicholas Beard, Thomas Bearde and Robert Rygdway myne overseers, trusting the will see this my last will in all poyntes Discharge to the health of my soule: and all the wills executors & overseers by here before made I utterly disanull and this to stand in effect
X John Bowdon his marke
Theise wittnesses Gualther Normansell; Ottiwell Bramhall; John Hadfield
WILL - Ellen Rowlandson of Birch Hall: Glossop: 6 May 1635
In the name of god Amen the ffourteenth daie of March Anno Domini 1634 I Ellen Rowlandson widow beinge sick in bodie but of good and perfect remembrance prased be god for the same doo ordaine Constitute and make this my last Will and Testament in maner and form followinge and first I comend my soule into the hands of Almightie god my maker trustinge by the meritts of Jesus Chryst to bee one of the number of his Elect and chosen Children and my bodie I comend to the Earth to bee buried within the Chappell of Heathfield And for my worldly goods as followeth In primis I give and bequeath unto Anne Morehouse my Grandchyld Twentie Markes when she shall accomplish the age of one and twentie yeares and bee then in full lyfe: Item I give and bequeath unto Marie Morehouse one other of my grandchildren Twentie Marks when she shall accomplish the age of one and Twentie yeares and bee then in full lyfe: Item I give and bequeath unto Sarah Morehouse one other of my grandchildren Twentie Markes when she shall accomplish the age of one and twentie yeares and bee then in full lyfe: Item I give and bequeath unto Robartt Arnfield my brother Three pounds within one whole yeare next after my decease: Item I give and bequeath unto Robartt Arnfield my Nephew thirtie shillings and to Elizabeth his sister other thirtie shillings within one whole yeare next after my decease: Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Elizabeth Gladwin ffortie shillings within one whole yeare next after my decease: Ite I give and bequeath unto Ann Hadfield my Neece three pounds within one whole yeare next after my decease : Ite I give and bequeath unto the said Anne Hadfield one fether bedd: Ite I give and bequeath unto John Hadfield of litle Ridge ffyve Marks: Ite I give and bequeath unto Ellen Beard of Cloughhouse ffortie shillings and a gonone within one whole yeare next after my decease Ite I give unto my Cosin Thomas Bowdon ten shillings within one whole yeare next after my decease: Item I give unto John Rowbothom vjs viijd Ite I give unto everie one of my god children vijd apeece Ite I give unto Robartt Beard of Clough house ffyve Marks: ^within one whole yeare next after my decease^ Item I give and bequeath unto George Rowlinson xxs within one whole yeare next after my decease: Ite it is my will that after my debts paid and furnall expenses discharged out of my whole goods all the rest of my goods Cattells and Chattells whatsoever shalbe and remaine unto Ottiwell ARrnfield my brother whome I make Executor: It I doo revoke and disanull all former wills and testaments heretofore by mee made and doo by these presents publish and declare this to bee my last will and testament these being wittnesses
Robartt Hadfield of litle ridge his mark H; Nicholas Hadfield laborer his mark N; Elizabeth Bowdon widow her mark X; Thomas Bowdon
John Ridgway of Aspinshaw: Glossop: 14 December 1637
In the name of God Amen the Seaventeeth day of October, 1637, I John Ridgway of Aspinshaw in the County of Darby yoman beinge sicke in body but of good and perffect Remembrance (Thanks be given to god) Do Constitute ordayne and and (sic) make this my last will and Testament in manner and fforme ffollowinge viz ffirst I offer bequeath & Comend my Soule into the Hands of Almightie God my maker trustinge by the merritts and mercie of Christ Jessus my Saviour and Redeemer to be one of the Number of his Ellecte And my Body I comitte to the earthe ffrom whence it was taken to be buried after a decente and Christian manner in the chappell of Heyffeilde if god shall so appoynte Item my ffunerall expences and detts which of Righte I owe beinge discharged out of all my goods I give and bequeath unto everie one of my god children the some of six pence Item I do hereby assygne & sett over unto Margrett Ridgway my wife the Lease of Assignment of the Incrochment in Mr Brograves Grante Item my mynde and will is That Robert Ridgway my brother shall Have and every the baye of buildings called the workhouse adjoyninge to the peate house ffor and dureing his Natturall life keeping himself soley and unmarried Item my mynd and will is that John Ridgway James Ridgway Raphe Ridgway Elizabeth Ridgway Ellen Ridgeway & Alice Ridgway my sons and daughters shall have an enjoy convenient & Sufficient Roomth ffor the placeinge and settinge for everie one of them a bedd and a Chest or Arke in the parlour Chamber and out Iloc adjoyninge to the house in the occupation of Robert Ridgway my ffather and shall occupy the said house in Common amongst them ffrom and after the decease of Robert Ridgway & Elizabeth Ridgway my ffather and mother and Margrett Ridgway my wife ffor and duringe so longe tyme of the naturall lyves of everie one of them as he she or they shall keepe them selves sole and unmarried Item I give and bequeath unto Margarett Ridgway my said wife the Rest and Residue of all my goods cattells and chattells unbequeathed & I constitute and make the same Margarett Ridgway my wiffe & Robert Ridgway my sonn Executors of this my last will and Testament and I nominate and appounte William Andrew my uncle and John Cowper my brother in lawe overseers of this my saide hoppinge they will see every therein pformed according to the Repose and trust I putt in them
John Ridgway
In wittnes of Richard Ffryer; James Ridgway; Edward Hyde his H mrke
WILL - Ottiwell ARMEFIELD of Berche halle Glossop: 25 June 1639
In the Name of God Amen The Therteeth daye of Apprill In the yeare of our Lord 1638, I ottiwell Armefeilde of Berche halle in the pish of Glossopp And in the County of Darby husbandman beinge in good and pfect Remembrance prayse be given to God ffor it doe Constitute ordayne and make this my last will and Testament in manner and fforme as ffolloweth: that is to witt ffirst I offer and bequeathe my Soule to Almightie god my Creator and maker Trustinge throughe the merritts of his sonn Jesus Chryste and his pcious bloude Sheedinge to be one of the Number of his Electe Children And my body to be buried in the Chappell of Heaffeild Item I give and bequeathe to Roberte Armefeilde and William Armefeilde my brethern ether of them xijd Item I give all the Reste of my goods wheresoever to my wiff Cathren Armefeilde Also I Constitute ordayne and make the said Cathren my wyfe my soley and whole Executrix Trustinge she will Accomplish and ffullfill this my last will and testamente with the oversighte of Ralph Andrew of Holehouse In wittness whereof I have hereunto putt my hande the day and yeare afforesaid
Ottiwell Armefeilde my hand and marke
These beinge wittnesses: Thomas Bradbury his mke as T wittnes
A true and pfct Inventory of all such goods & Chattels as of late weare the goods and Chattels of Ottiwell Armefeilde lately deceased praysed by and valued by Roberte Ridgeway Raphe Hyde William Andrewe and Raphe Fferneley the 12th Daye of June 1639
WILL - John Andrew of Aspinshaw: 20 September 1681
In the name of God Amen: The Twenty Seventh day of June In the year of o: Lord One Thousand Six hundred Eightie & one I John Andrew of Aspinshaw within the County of Derby yeomd: Beinge weake in body, But of Sound & perfect Memory praise be given to God for ye same doe ordaine & make this my Last will & Testament in maner & fforme ffollowing ffirst And principally I Comend my Soul into ye handes of Almighty God my Creator Assuredly Beleiving (sic) That I shall Receive full pardon And Remission of all my Sinne And be saved In and Thorough (sic) the pcious death & Merritts of my Blessed Saviour & Redeemer Christ Jesus And my Body to the earth from whence it was taken to be buryed in such Decent & Christian Maner as to my Executors hereafter named shall be thought meet & Convenient. And as Touchinge such Worldly Estate as the Lord in Mercy has Lent me My will & Mind is the same shall be Imployed And Bestowed as hereafter by this my Will & Testament is declared Expressed & Sett down And ffirst my Will & mind is (that my due Debts In case I shall happen to owe any att the time of my Death) And ffunerall Charges shall be discharged out of my whole Estate. Item I Give And Bequeath unto Edmund Buckley my son in law the sume of Tenn pounds of Lawfull English money, And my my (sic) will & Mind is that what monyes the said Edmund Buckley shall owe unto me att the time of my death shall be payed unto my Executor without Allowing any Interest for the same. Item I Give & Bequeath unto Ellen Buckley my Daughter the sume of Tenn pounds of Like Lawful English money. Item I Give & Bequeath unto William Andrew of Chinley my Nephew the sume of ffifteen pounds of Lawfull English money with all such Interest as he shall owe unto me at the Time of my death. Item I doe Give & Bequeath unto William Bradbury Thomas Bradbury & Robrt Bradbury my Nephews the sume of ffifteen pounds of Lawfull English money equally to be devided (sic) Amongst them. Itm I doe Give & Bequeath unto Mary Mossley my Neece (sic) the summ of Tenn shillings Item I doo Give & Bequeath unto Robert Doge & Margarett Doge (Children of Robert Doge of Marple in ye County of Cheshire the sume of one pound of Lawfull English money Equally to be devided Between them. Item I doe give & Bequeath unto John Potter the sume of ffive shillings. Item I doe Give & Bequeath unto such Manservant as shall Live with me att ye time of my death the sume of ffouer (sic) Shillings. Item My will & Mind is And I doe Give & Bequeath unto all such poor people as shall come to my ffunerall being Inhabitants with ye pish of Glossop to every on three pence to be Distributed to them the same day att Lower Cliffe by ye Appoyntment of my Executor. Item I doe Give & Bequeath unto the poor of the Chappell in le frith the sume of one pound & Tenn shillings to be distributed Amongst them in their owne pish. Item I doe Give & Bequeath unto ye poor of Disley the sume of Tenn shillings. And the poor people within Wealey & Wockerley the sume of Tenn Shillings to be distributed unto them within their Respective Liberties. Itm my will & mind is that all such psons as shall come to my ffunerall at the Invitacon of my ffriends shall have sufficient of Bread Cheese & Ale Itm my Will & minde is & I doe hereby Give & Bequeath unto Elizabeth Andrew my Loveing wife all ye Rest & Residue of my whole psonall Estate not herein fformerly Given. And I doe hereby Constitute ordaine & Appoynt Edmund Pott of Kettlesome the sole Executor of this my Last will & Testament hopeing he will take cause to full fill the same According to my will & mind. And Lastly I doe hereby frustrate & make void all former Will by me made And doe declare this to be my Last will & Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand & seal the day & year first above written.
The marke of John Andrew
Sealed Sygned published & declared to be my Last willl & Testatment In psence Samuel Marriott; John Marriott; John Waterhouse
A True And pfect Inventory of All And singular ye Goodes Creditts & Chattels of John Andrew Late of Aspinshaw within ye County of Derby yeoman Deceased. Appraised by William Carrington Robert Slack, Edmund Buckley & William Gaskill the sixteenth day of August Anno Domini 1681
WILL - John Bower of Tortopp - Proved Lichfield: 15 May 1696
In the name of god Amen the fifth day of August Anno dom one thousand six hundred ninety & ffive I John Bower of Tortopp in the parrish of Glossop & County of Derby Chapman being in perfect mind & memory praised be the lord for the same knowing that death is most Certaine, but the houre thereof most uncertaine doe therefore make publicke & declare this my last will & testament in manner & forme ffollowinge ffirst & most principally I Comand my Soul into the hands of allmighty god my creator & my Body I comit to the Earth where of it was first fashioned to be buried at the discretion of my Executors herein hereafter named: And as touching all my whole Estate Both Reall & personall my mind & will is that my debts & ffunerall Expences Shall be satisfied & payed forth of the same. ffirst it is my will and mind and I doe give leave & bequeath All my Land which I purchased of Thomas Eyre Esq:, unto my father Edward Bower. And to my Brother Thomas Bower to be Equally divided betweene them. I say I give it them & their heires for ever And all my Lands: in Whytle Hamblet I give leave & bequeath unto my father Edward Bower & my brother Thomas Bower I say I give it them & their heires for Ever. Item I leave & bequeath unto my father Edward Bower & to my brother Thomas Bower all my Cattells & Chattels Bills Bonds debts debtbooks writteings whatsoever belong ing or appertaining to me the testator In whose hands or possession the same shall remane or be found. Item it is my will & mind & I doe give leave & bequeath unto my loving Child Sarah Bower the Sume of Two hundred pounds of currant money Item it is my will & mind & I doe leave & bequeath unto my loving Childe Hannah Bower the Sume of two hundred pounds of Currant English money to be paid to them the Sd Sarah & Hannah abovenamed within three yeares next Ensueing at after my Decease That is eyther Childe two hundred pound to be payed forth of my whole Estate by mine Executors herein hereafternamed, Item I give leave & bequeath unto my uncle Thomas Bower ten pounds of Currant money to be payd as my Executors shall see Convenient & Cause & according to Executors discretion. Item I give leave & bequeath unto Jeremiah Turner my man five pounds of Currant money. Item I give leave & bequeath unto Elizabeth Hibbert my Sister five pounds of Currant money Item I give & bequeath unto my man John Cherry of Macclesfield the sume of ten pounds Item I give & bequeath unto Margaret Worsley fortey ginnes also it is my mind that al the rest And remainder of my goods cattell and Chattels besides discharging all my lagacis and debts I give And bequeath unto Susannah Bower & Mary Bower my loveing Sisters to be equaley devided betwixt them also I doe leave Edward Bower my father And Thomas Bower my Brother executors off this my last will And testament Revokeing all former wills by me made in wittness were of I the saide John Bower the testator have here unto put my seale the fifth day of August the year 1695
Signed sealed published & declared by the above named John Bower the testator for this last will & testamt in the psence of us
Ralph Ashenhurst; John Greaves; Robert Holliwell; John Carrington
A true and pfect Inventory of all & singular the Goods Credits & Cattells of John Bower Late of Torrtop in the parish of Glossopp in the County of Derby Woolen draper Apprized by us whose names are subscribed the Thirteenth day of August Ano Don 1695
WILL - Anne Boyer of Torr Top: 13 April 1703
In The name of god Amen the twenty second day of Aprill And in the yeare of account: 1702 I Ann Boyer of the Tortop in thee parrish of glossop & County of darby: Widdow considereing the Cartainty of death & the uncartainty of the time when, doe Constitute ordaine & make this my present Last will and testament in for as ffolloweth And first & principally I comite & command my soule & spirit into the hands of Allmighty god my Creatour truly hopeing through his mercy & the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ to receive forgiveness & pardon for all my sines & to In Joy peace & phylycity for my soule with him forever, And my Body I doe Comit to the Earth to be decently buryed in the grave yard Att the Slackhall Att The discretion of my Executours here in after named as for all my worldly Estate & doe give and dispose of it as followeth Imprimis It is my will And mind that all my funarall Expences and Charges And all Such debets as any bee, as of right I doe then owe unto any person shall be first paid & discharged out of my whole Estate by my Executoures Item I give And bequeath unto my son in law Randulfe Hibbert the sum of one shilling. Item I give & bequeath unto my three daughters namely Elezabeth Hibbert Susanna and Mary Boyer Every one of them the sum of twenty pounds apiece Item I give & bequeath unto Every Child to whome I am grand mother the sum of two shillings Six pence And to John Hibbert son to Randulfe And Elezebeth Hibbert above & beside two shillings Six pence the sum of two pounds Those legicese above mentioned to become due & payable by Executours to the persons above named or to theire Assignes with in the Space of two years next Immediately in sueing after my Death
And from & after the paying and discharging of the sevarall sums above mentioned respectisely I doe hereby Im power and Authorrise my son Thomas Boyer Att the sight of two honest neightbours to take for him selfe out of my Estate to the value and worth of sisteene pounds & Execpt that his Brother George have done or then doe give and resine unto his said Brother Thomas his right title and interest that hee hath in the ould house and housing Situate & Standing Att the Tortop, but If my son George doe resine and give his right And title aforesaid to his Brother, then it is my will and mind that the said Sum of the Sixteen pounds to be null and voide And I doe then give and bequeath all the remaineing part and residue of my Estate What soever, Equally to my two Sons Thomas and George Boyer I say to be devided betwixt them, And lastly I doe hereby appoint constitute ordaine and make my two Sones Thomas Boyer and George Boyer Executours of this my last will And Testament have by disireing that noo difference nor Contest may be or Arise About any thing here in by mee given bequeathed or least but that It may be Constructed and adjudged and taken to be According to the Circumstancese of my will, hereby Revocking and dissanulling all former and other will or wills by mee made here to fore Ratifieing and Confirming this to be my Last will and Testament In Wittness where of I the Said Ann Boyer have here unto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written
Ann Boyer her Seal And marck
Sealed Signed published and declared to be the Last will and Testament of the with in named Ann Boyer in the presents of us
Jonathan Bowdon; Samuell Armstrong; James Ridgway
WILL - Edmund Buckley of Aspinshaw: 3 April 1723
In the Name of God Amen the Eighth day of October in the year of our Lord God One Thousand Seaven Hundred Twenty and Two I Edmund Buckley of Aspinshaw in the parish of Glossop and County of Darby Yeoman Being Aged and infirm in Body But of Sound and perfect memory Blessed be God for the Same and knowing the uncertainty of this Transitory Life and that all flesh is but Dust and that in the midst of Life wee are in Death and Being minded as much as in mee Lyeth to preferre peace and unity Amongst my Relations after my Decease Do therefore make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following That is to Say first and principally I commend my Soul in to the hands of almighty God who gave it and to his Blessed Son my Saviour Jesus Christ hoping in and by his meritorious Death and passion to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my Sins and to inherit Everlasting Life and to be made partaker with his holy Elect in his heavenly Kingdom and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently Buried at the Discretion of my Executor herein after named and Concerning the Disposition of the all Such worldly Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God in his great goodness to Bless mee with all I Give Devise and Bequeath the Same in manor following And I Do hereby Give and Devise unto my Daughter Elizabeth the wife of George Bower and the heirs of her Body all those new purchased lands called Blakhall ffields and Bankhead peeces to Defend and go to her Issue in the Same mannor as all the [ ] lands at Aspinshaw by the Settlement thereof are Limited to [ ] And I hereby Give and Devise unto my Daughter Elizabeth Bower the sume of Ten pounds of Lawfull money of Great Britain And I hereby give and Devise unto my Son in law John Carrington the Sume of One Hundred and twenty pounds of Lawfull money at Six months after my Deceas And I Do hereby Give and Devise unto Elizabeth Bower my grand Daughter the Sume of five pounds of Lawfull money when shee attains the Age of twenty and One years And I Do hereby give and Devise unto Samuel Buckley my grand Son the Sume of Two Hundred pounds of Lawfull money and the Same to be improved By my Executor for his advantage untill hee shall attain to the age of Twenty and one Years And I also give and Devise unto the Said Daniel Buckley and his heirs for Ever all my housing and Lands called Bradenleach Tenement in Bowden midlecale in the County of Darby now in the possession of Edward Hoyd and to Enter at my Deceas and it is my will that my Son in law John Carrington shall after my deceas take the tuition and care of the Education of my grandson Daniel Buckley and to be paid Reasonable for his trouble concerning him and to Receive the Rents Bradenleach Tenement towards the montaining and [ ] [ ] said grandson in his minority and what falls short thereof By the Rent of Bradenleach to Receive from Executor out to the profits of the Two hundred pounds to him given and I Do hereby give and Devise unto James Buckley William Buckley Mary Buckley and Sarah Buckley Sons and Daughters of William Buckley Late of New Thame Deceased the Sume of Twenty pounds of Lawfull money Equally to be devided amongst them as they Succesily Shall attain to the age of One and Twenty Years I give and Devise unto Isaack Lees Son of Thomas Lees of Swaincroft Twenty Shillings And it is my will and I Do hereby give in Trust to the uses hereafter Limited, unto George Bower of Aspinshaw Thomas Godworth of Raworth and Joseph Hibbert of Whitle The Sume of forty pounds upon Special Trust and Confidence That they the Said Trustees and their Successors for Ever Shall and will Improve the Sume and the profitts thereof yearly to Lay out in Clothing with Two Letters E: and B: or for [ rming] of the poor within the Liberties of Thorset Beard Whitle and Oulersett at the Discretion of the Said Trustees and their Successors who Shall by them be Elected and Chosen Trustees to Succeed them for Ever So always as the person unto whom the hous and Lands att Aspinshaw Shall Com may for Ever be admited and Chosen to be one of the Three Trustees for the uses aforesaid and commence twelve months after my Deceas and So to continue for Ever and it is my will and I Do hereby Give and Devise unto James Buckley my grand Son one Chest with what is Therein which was his mothers when hee Shall attain the age of one and Twenty years and the said Chest to Stand at Aspinshaw untill that Time But if my said grand Son happen to diey in his minority Then I give the Said Chest with what is There in unto my Two grand Children Buckley Bower and Elizabeth Bower Equally Between them and it is my will That after my funerall Expenses probate of this my Last will and all other Eclesiastical Duties paid and Discharged Then hereby I Give and Devise all the Rest Remainder and Residue of all my goods Chattels Rights Credits houshould goods husbandrie ware money jewels plate and personal Estate Whatsoever (not by mee heretofore given) unto my son in Law George Bower and Last I Do hereby nominate and appoint my son in Law George Bower of Aspinshaw Sole and Whole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament hopeing hee will see the Same Duly Executed as my Trust is in him Reposed and I Do hereby Revoke Disanul and Utterly make all former wills By mee heretofore made and in Testimony That this is my Last Will and Testament I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seall this Tenth Day of October in the year of our Lord god 1722
Edm: Buckley
Sealled Signed Published and Declared to be the Last Will and Testament of Edmund Buckley in the presence of us who as witnesses hereof Subscribed our names in the presence of the Testator
James Buckley; John Tomlinson; Tho: Lees
WILL - Thomas Bower of Tor Top: 20 October 1731
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Bower of Tortop in the parish of Glossop in the County of Derby Yeoman under some paine of body but perfect and sound mind & memory praised be God for the same do make this my Last Wiil and Testament In manner and forme following Imprs I Humbly Comend my soule into the Hands of God that gave itt And my Body to the Grave to be there interred according to the discretion of my Executrix and Executor hereafter named and as touching such temporall Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with my will and mind is that all my Just Debts & ffunerall Expences with the probate of this my Last Will and all Incident Charges touching the same shall be paid & discharged forth of my p:sonall Estate And as for and Conserning all the rest residue and remainder of my Estate both reall and p:sonall I give Devise and bequeath of as followeth And Whereas I have severall Estates of Land Lyeing in Bowden Middlecale in the parish of Glossop and County of Derby I give and bequeath unto my son John Bower all my Houseing and Land lyeing in Whitle Hamlet Hee Yeilding and paying as ffolloweth the Scarret Lease, the Walkmill, the paper Mill, and Encrochment And all that Mortgage Lyeing at Eves Knowle, And halfe of Heafield Corne Mill, and all my Houses and housing Gardens and orchards Lyeing in Heafield as aforesaid Likewise one Intack Lyeing in Chinle with all and every of their appurtenances unto him and his Heirs forever at after my sister Mary Decease it is my Will and mind that my Loveing wife Sarah have the Little House and Garden & the sume of ten pounds yearly during her Life to be paid unto Her out of the Issues and profits of the afforementioned Estate & In part of her Joynture I give devise and bequeath unto my Sonn George Bowre all my Estate Lyeing at Bruckhouses, and Dan Heys both in the possession of George Hadfield And Tom Heys and all that ffee farme Land which my ffatherinlaw George Yeavley purchased of Thomas Eyre Esq with all the enchrocments belonging to them with all & every of their appurtenances unto him and his heires forever. Onely this exception he paying unto his Mother yearly and every year during her naturall Life the sume of Tenn pounds per annum out of the rents Issues and profits of the last mentioned Estates, and allowing her the Kitchin and the Chamber over itt during her naturall Life in part of her Joynture as aforesaid And further the Kitchin and Chamber over it before mentioned are to be putt in repair by my Executrix and Executor here after named. Item I give and bequeath unto my sonn Yeavely Bowre all my Land at Lanehead in Great hamlet which I purchased of John Buckley and all the ffee farme land thereunto belonging, And all my Land lyeing att Hollingworth head now in the possession of John Hyde with all & every of its appurtenances unto him and his Heires forever. I Likewise give him my Moiety of Knars Lease for him to Enter upon the Last mentioned Estates when he attains unto the age of won and twenty years and the Issues and profits their of to be raised & Improved for his use by my Executrix and Executor until that time Excepting Tenn pounds per annum which is to be raised and paid unto his Mother during the terme of her Naturall Life out of the rents and profits of the Estates last mentioned in part of her Joynture as aforesaid And if it happen that my sonn Yeavely depart this Life before hee attaine the age of won and Twenty years then it is my will and mind and I give and bequeath all the Last mentioned Estates to be Equally divided betwixt my two sons John Bower and George Bowre and unto their Heirs forever. the true intent and meaning of the aforesaid Close in this my will is that it shall goe Equally betwixt them in Case Either of them dye the survivor shall have noe Advantage for it shall goe Equall at after his death to his Heires if he Leave any. They paying unto their Mother Tenn pounds per annum yearly & every year during the time of her naturall Life In Lue of her Joynture and in full Satisfaction of her Dower at Comon Law, And Likewise they paying unto their sister Ann Bowre the Sume of Two Hundred pounds at twelve months End next after my sonn Yeavely Bowre decease Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Bowre the Sume of ffive Hundred pounds of Lawfull money to be raised and paid of my p:sonall Estate unto her with twelve months next after my Decease by my Executrix and Executor here after named And Lastly all the rest residue and remainder of my p:sonall Estate that are not before bequeathed It is my will and mind that at after all my Just debts Legacies and bequests are all paid and discharge My Loveing Wife My sonn John Bowre and my son George Bowre shall have the residue of my p-sonall Estate Equally amongst them three share and share alike I Nominate Constitute and appoint my Loveing wife Sarah and my Brother George Bowre Executrix and Executor my true and sole Executrix and Executor of this my last will and testament In witness where of I have here unto putt my hand and seall this Twenty Eight day of May in the Third year of our Soveraigne Lord George the Second King of Great Brittaine Anno Domin: 1730:
Signed Sealed Declared and published as and for the Last will and Testament of the above said Testator Thomas Bower in the psence of us who have subscribed our names as Witnesess thereof in the said testators p:sence And these words in the fifteenth Line was all put in before the Sealing & delivery & publishing of this will `
And the saume of Ten pounds yearly during her life`
and afterwards this sealed and published as & for ye last will of ye testator Thomas Bower
Joseph Hibbert; Randle Hibbert; Henry Booth
June ye 8 1731
WILL - Robert Arnfield of Broad Hurst Proved Chesterfield: 23 April 1751
In the Name of God Amen I Robert Arnfield of Broad Hurst in the Parish of Glossop and County of Derby being but weak of Body but of Sound and perfect Mind and Memory, praise be therefore given to Almighty God. Do Make and Ordaine this my present Last Will and Testament, in Manner and form following (Omitting the Old Cerimonies Some times Used in this form) And as touching the Disposition of all Such Temporal Estate as hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me, I give and Dispose thereof as followeth. ffirst I will that my Debts and funeral Charges Shall be paid and Discharged
Item I give unto John Bowdon of Will Hey the Sum of Ten Shillings Item I give unto Sarah Bowdon of Will Hey the Sum of Ten Shillings. Item I give unto Grace Arnfield the Sum of Two Shillings and Six pence Item I give Unto John Arnfield the Sum of Two Shillings and Six pence My will and pleasure is that my Son Samuel Arnfield Shall have the Cop Stard piece During the Term of Lease if he Stay in the Neighbour hood otherwise That my Son Robert Arnfield Shall have it During the Said Term laying Edward Bowdon and Grace Arnfield either of them a Cow During the said Term at one pound and three Shillings a Cow Gate. All the rest and residue of my Personal Estate Goods and Chattels whatsoever I Do give and bequeath unto my Son Samuel Arnfield and my Daughter Sarah Cooper and the Children of my Daughter Hannah Johnson Equally to be Divided amongst them in three parts all these Legacies I will that they be paid in Six months after my mother Mary BOOTHs^ Death except that Legacie which I have left to my Daughter Hannahs Children which I will to remain in my Son Robert Arnfield’s hand to be paid to the above said Children their Due portion as they come to twenty one years of Age and if any Child die before it come to twenty one years of age that then that Childs part Shall Equally be Divided amongst ye rest and my will is that my son Robert Arnfield Shall pay Lawful Interest for that Money (while in his hand) into the hands of my Executors hereafter Named Shall for the Use of ye Said Children and my will is that my Executors hereafter Named Shall have either of them twelve pence a Day for what days they lose upon this Account And I do ordain make and appoint John Bowdon of Will Hey and my Son Samuel Arnfield and powerful Executors of this my last will and Testament and I do hereby revoke disanul and make void all former will and Testaments by my hereto fore made In Witness whereof I the said Robert Arnfield have Set my hand & Seal ye first Day of March in the year of our Lord 1750
Robert Arnfield
WILL - George Bower of Aspinshaw: 17 October 1753
In the Name of God Amen I George Bower of Aspinshaw in the parish of of Glossop in the County of Derby Gentleman, being of sound mind and perfect Mind and Memory (Praised be God) but Considering the Uncertainty of this Morale Life do make publish and declare this my Last Will and Testament in manner herein after mentioned Where as I have severale Years ago Absolutely Conveyed my Real Estate unto my Son Buckley Bower and his heirs and part of my personal Estate But as Concerning such part of my personal Estate which I am now possessed off or any ways intitled unto I dispose thereof in manner following And first I order that all my Debts and funerale Expenses be paid and discharged And then I Give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Buckley the Sum of One hundred pounds to be paid to her at the end of Twelve Months next after my Decease Also I Give unto my Faithfull Servant Rachel Forster the Sum of Ten pounds to be paid her at the end of Three Months next after my Decease. And as Concerning the residue and remainder of my personal Estate I Give and Bequeath the same unto my Son Buckley Bower and appoint him sole Executor hereof Revoking all former Wills by me at any Time heretofore made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my Hand and Seal this ffifth day of April in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and ffifty Three
George Bower
Sealed Signed published and declared by the above named George Bower the Testator as and for his Last Will and Testament in the Sight and presence of us who have Subscribed our Names and Witnesses to the due Execution hereof in the Sight and presence of the said Testator
Samuel Hopwood; Ann Hopwood; John Clayton
WILL - Robert Rawlinson of the Birch Hall: Glossop: 10 April 1623
In the name of god Amen March the xxviith In the yeare of the raigne of our sovraigtie James by the grace of god of England ffrance & Ireland King defender of the faith or the one and Twentieth and of Scotland the six and ffithith I Robert Rawlinson of the Birch Hall in the County of Derbie yeoman being sicke of body but of good and pfect memory thankes be given to god do constitute and ordaine this my Last Will and Testament in manner and forme following viz I give and bequeath my soule in to the hands of Almighty god my master and redeemer and my body to be buryed in the Haigh Church of Glossopp after a th[ ] [ ] manner Item my debts & funerall expences discharged out of my whole goods I give and bequeath unto William Armefeild my best suite of apparell Item I give to William Rowbotham my second suite apparell Item I give to Thomas Tatton my third suite of apparell Item I give to William Bennet ten shillings. It I give Catherine Bradbury Six shillings eight pence It I give to Elizabeth Beard three shillings foure pence It I give unto the five children of Robert Beard of the [Phoside] three pounds to be equally divided amongst them It I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Johnson the Sume of five pounds if she be now living and if shee be deceased my will is that the said five pounds shalbe equally divided amongst William Rowbotham John Rowbotham and Catherine Beard brothers and sister to the said Elizabeth It my will is that Agnes Armefeild shalbe maintained by Ellen Rawlinson my wife and Mary Rawlinson my daughter wth meat drinke and apparell during her naturall life It I give unto every godchild Twelve pence It I give and bequeath unto Ellen Rawlinson my wife aforesaid the third part of all my goods and Chattells and I give unto the said Ellen the third part of all my lands during her naturall life: And the Residue and remainder of all my goods Chattells and Lands not before bequeathed I give and bequeath unto Mary Rawlinson my daughter and I Constitute and ordaine Mary Rawlinson my daughter aforesaid my sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and I nominate and Appoynt Edward Moorehouse and William Rawlinson gentlemen overseers of this my last will and I give unto the said Edward Moorehouse and William Rawlinson either of them three shillings foure pence hoping they will see this my Last will well and truly performed according to the Repose I put in them
WILL - Ottiwell Armefeild of Berche halle Glossop: 25 June 1639
In the Name of God Amen The Therteeth daye of Apprill In the yeare of our Lord 1638, I ottiwell Armefeild of Berche halle in the pish of Glossopp And in the County of Darby husbandman beinge in good and pfect Remembrance prayse be given to God ffor it doe Constitute ordayne and make this my last will and Testament in manner and fforme as ffolloweth: that is to witt ffirst I offer and bequeathe my Soule to Almightie god my Creator and maker Trustinge throughe the merritts of his sonn Jesus Chryste and his pcious bloude Sheedinge to be one of the Number of his Electe Children And my body to be buried in the Chappell of Heaffeild Item I give and bequeathe to Roberte Armefeild and William Armefeild my brethern ether of them xijd Item I give all the Reste of my goods wheresoever to my wiff Cathren Armefeild Also I Constitute ordayne and make the said Cathren my wyfe my soley and whole Executrix Trustinge she will Accomplish and ffullfill this my last will and testamente with the oversighte of Raph Andrew of Holehouse In wittness whereof I have hereunto putt my hande the day and yeare afforesaid
Ottiwell Armefeild my hand and marke
These beinge wittnesses: Thomas Bradbury his mke as T wittnes
A true and pfct Inventory of all such goods & Chattels as of late weare the goods and Chattels of Ottiwell Armefeilde lately deceased praysed by and valued by Roberte Ridgeway Raphe Hyde William Andrewe and Raphe Fferneley the 12th Daye of June 1639
WILL - George Higenbottam of Birch Hall: 2 May 1781
In the Name of God Amen I George Higenbottam of Birch Hall in the parish of Glossop and County of Derby Yeoman being somting out of Health of Bodey but of Sound and perfect Mind Memory and Understanding Do hereby Make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in Manner and form following, First my Will and Mind is that all such Just Debts as I shall owe at my Death together with the Charge of my ffuneral and the Expenses of the probat of this my last Will be paid out of my Estate by my Executors hereafter Named, I give and bequeath unto my Wife Mary to dispose of at her Will and plesure all that my farm Called Smithfield & the new piece on Chinley Moore in John Standley possession and also my Houses Land & Houseing in & at Heafield in Wm Baien possession all which are in the parish & County before mentioned Also I give her one Cow she to Chuse and the Househould Goods which I had with her and one Half of all the rest of my Househould Goods And all that Money out at Interest with Joshua Marriott & John Kinder, All which said Lands premises Goods and Money above mentioned I give to my said Wife Mary in full sattisfaction of all manner of Right thirds Dower of Claime whatsoever which she might or Could Lawfully Claime to any part of any of Estates Real or personal whatsoever, But if she my said Wife Mary doth not Accept of what I have herin before given her in full Sattisfaction for all Manner of Right thirds Dower or Claime whatsoever to Any part of all my Estates Real or personal [Elsen] I give to her my said Wife Mary five shillings and no More
And then I give Devise & bequeath unto my Nephew Mathew Rawlenson of Stockport all that my said Estates Called Smithfield the New piece the House in Heafield Land & premises aforesaid Goods and Money herein before by me given her I give the same unto him my said Nephew Mathew Rawlenson and to the Heirs of his Body lawfully begotten for Ever and for want of such Issue I give and bequeath the same to Charles the son of James Higenbottam of Manchester & his Heirs for Ever, Also I give Devise & bequeath unto my said Nephew Mathew Rawlenson of Stockport and his Heirs Lawfully begotten for Ever all that my Real and personal Estate at Birch Hall Afforsaid whatsoever Now in my possession and my Tenant Joseph Muchel, he paying & discharging all the Legacys herein Mentioned and performing this my last Will, And for want of Lawfull Issue of my said Nephew Mathew Rawleson, Then I give devise and bequeath unto George Higenbottam the Son of James Higenbottam of Manchester plasterer my Couzon, All that my said Estate at Birchhall Afforesaid Land & premises I give to him the George Higenbottam and his Heirs and Assigns for Ever, I give to my Nephew Thomas Rawlenson of Stockport the A Yearly sum of Six pounds a Year to be paid to him half Yearly during his Life out of my said Estate at Birch hall, I give to my half Sister Ann Lomas ten shillings a Year during he Life.
I give to my Executors John Kinder and Thomas Waterhouse Either of them five pounds a piece, And it is my Will and Mind and I do hereby order direct and Appoint my Executor John Kinder and after his Death his son John or his Heirs to take at my Decease and Keep in his or their own possession all my Deeds & Writing Relating to all my said Estate whatsoever and all other my writings and shew them to no person whatsoever before my said Nephew Mathew Rawlenson Heire of his Body Attains his or her Age of twenty one Years and then deliver them to his said Heir, And if it should so happen that he have no such Issue he the said John Kinder my said Executor or his Son John (if his ffather be Dead) or his Heirs shall and do keep all my said Writings afforsesaid in his or their Custoty and hands untill my said Nephew Mathew Rawlenson shall happen to Dye without Issue and then Deliver them unto the said George Higenbottam of Manchester before Named or the Heirs of his Body if he be not then Liveing, If any person or persons herein Mentioned shall Comense any Law against my said Executor or Executors or their Heirs touching or Concerning my said Executor Keeping my said Deeds & writings or touching or Concerning my said Estates or Any Matter or thing herein Mentioned, It is my Will and mind and I do hereby give to my said Executor & Executors and their Heirs full power and Lawfull Authority as Much as if I was then Liveing and could have had my self for to Set or Mortgage any or all my said Estates or Sell my [ ] coming thereon for to Direct discharge all Manner of Cost Charges or trouble whatsoever which Either of my said Executors or their Heirs shall or may be put to or be at touching or Concerning my said Estates or this my last Will or any thing relating thereto, Anything herein before Contained or Mentioned to the Contray thereof in any wise notwithstanding, Likewise it is my Will and Mind that if any person or persons herin Named be not content and satisfyed with what I have herein Left & given him or her their Legacy shall go to and Amongst such other Legutys as are Content & sattisfyed and I give them that make any disturbance or give my Executors any trouble one shilling Each and no More, And Lastly I do make Nominate Constitute and Appointe John Kinder the Elder of Hillhouse and Thomas Waterhouse of Sudehill in Heafield boath in the parish and County before Mentioned Executors of this my last Will Wrot with my Own hand, In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this fourteenth day of November One Thousand seven hundred and seventy Six.
George Higenbottam
Signed Sealed published and Declared for and as the last Will of the Testator who Wrot his Name in the presents of Us, Witneses hereto and in the presents of Each of Us
Samuel Marsland; Robert Olerenshaw; John Pickford
WILL - Edward Legh of Parkhall: 19 October 1691
In the name of God Amen I Edward Legh of Parkehall in the County of Derby gent being in pfect health yet of good & sound remembrance doo make this my last will & testament in manner following ffirst & principally I comend my soul to God trusting through the merritts of Jesus Christ to receive remission of all my Sins & everlasting salvation and as for my worldly estate I dispose of as following Imprimis I give & dispose of all my estate reall & psonall to my Executrix hereafter named & authoritie to let sell or otherwise dispose of all my lands & tenents goods & chattles for the payment of all my just debts & furnerall expences and will being to be buried decently according to my qualitie & at the discretion of my Executrix hereafternamed & that my debts be [ ] paid, Itm I doo give & devise All my Messuages lands tenents & hereditaments of what kind or nature soever & all my lands in possession or reversion & all that moytie of Hayfield Mill wth their & evry of their appurtenances to Anne my loveing wife for & dureing the terme of her naturall life & her heires for ever, Itm I give & devise to my said loveing wife the use interest & increase of all that sume of five hundred pounds given to me by the last will & Testament of Thomas Legh Esqr my late ffather deceased for & durening the terme of the naturall life of my said wife & after her decease I give the sume to Anne my daughter till she shall attaine the age of one & twentie yeares or have issue of her body lawfully begotten & afterwards I give the said five hundred pounds to the said Anne my daughter for ever But it is shall happen that my said daughter dye before she attaine her said age & leave noo issue of her body then I give the said five hundred pounds after my said death to my two neices Mary Legh the daughter of Richard Legh of High-Legh Esqr & Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Ashton Esqr deceased to be equally divided between them but if one of them happen to dye before their same full [ ] I give the said five hundred pounds to the survivor of them Itm I give all my psonall estate goods & chattles to my said wife after my debts & funerall discharged And my will is that there be noo dole given at my funeral but in lieu thereof I give five pounds to be distributed by the Overseers of the poore to the poor of Bowden Midlecale within tenn dayes after my decease, Item I doo hereby revoke all former wills by me made I doo declare this tobe my last will In intereste whereof I have hereunto put my hand & seale the seven & twentieth day of July in the third yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord & Lady King William & Queene Mary of England Annog doni 1691
Edward: Legh
Sealed Signed published & declared in the psence of
John Sales Cur:; John Waterhouse; Tho: Antham
WILL - John Frogatt of Park Hall: 31 October 1739
In the name of God Amen I John Ffrogatt of Park Hall in the parrish of Glossop & County of derby Yeoman being something out of health of Bodey but of sound & perfect Mind & Memory praised be Almighty God for the same do make & Ordaine to Writing this my last Will and Testament which I do in Maner & forme following hoping through ye Merits Death & passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have pardon & forgiveness of all my Sins and to Inherit Everlasting Life and my Bodey I Comitt to the Earthe to be Decently Buryed att the Discresion of my Executor hereafter Named As for and Conserning the Dispossision of all such Temporall Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestowe upon me
I Give & bequeathe thereof as ffollowes ffirst my Will and Mind is yt all my Just Debts which I shall owe att my Deathe the Charge of my ffunerall and ye Expence of my Executor in ye Probat be paid & discharged & taken out of my whole Estate I Give & bequeath unto my Granson John Ffrogatt One hundred pounds And Likewise I give & bequeath unto him my sd Granson John Ffrogatt all that my Copeyhould Estate att Jowhole (in ye sd parish and County above mentioned) and all Its Appurtenances for to Enter upon & Receive when he shall Attaine his full Age of Twenty One years I Give and bequeathe unto my Nephew James Armstrong Twenty pounds I Give & bequeathe unto my housekeeper Jane Higenbotham Ten pounds I give & bequeath unto Susana Dewsnape Ten Shillings I Give & bequeath unto my Sone Tho Ffrogatt my Estate Called Ridge:topp with all It’s Appurtenances Near Heafield (in the parish & County aforesaid) upon Condition that he doth within six Months after my Decease Transfer & Conveay unto John Ffox of Edale that Estate which I sould to the said John Ffox And if he Refuse to transfer & Conveay ye sd Estate as aforesaid then I Give & bequeathe my sd Estate Called Ridge:topp to my Executor hereafter Named & to his heirs forever I Give & bequeathe unto my Sone Tho Children Twenty pounds which my sone Thomas Oweth me to be Disposed off amongst them att the Discression of my Executor hereafter Named I Give & bequeath unto my Sone Tho Ffrogatt all my goods att Ridge topp which he hath now in his possession I Give & bequeathe unto my Granson Tho Boothe Sixty pounds
I Give & bequeath unto my Sone in law William Goddard Viccor of Glossop and to his heirs forever my Estate Called Park:hall where I now Live And the Ould house and all there Appurtenances thereunto belonging And Likewise I Give unto my sone in Law ye sd William Goddard all my househould goods Chattels Cattels personal Estate & Effects whatsoever the are (performing this my last Will) And Lastly I do make Ordaine Constitute & Appoint my son in Lawe the sd William Goddard whole & Soule Executor of this my last Will and Testament and do hereby Revoake disanule & make Voyde all other Will or Wills by mee att any time heretofore mae In
Wittness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seale this Seventeenth day of October One Thousand Seven hundred Thirty & Nine.
John Ffrogatt his mark and Seale
Signed Sealed published and Declared to be ye last Will of the above mentioned John Ffrogatt in the psents off
Joshua Bagshaw; John Hadfield; Geo Higenbottam
WILL - Thomas Slacke of Slack Hall: Derby 3 October 1878
THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me Thomas Slacke of Slacke Hall in the parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith in the county of Derby Esquire Doctor of Medicine whereof I appoint my friends The Reverend William Slack Barnes of Alderley in the county of Chester Clerk in Holy Orders Samuel Needham of Rushop in the parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith aforesaid Gentleman Charles Lingard of Chapel-en-le-Frith aforesaid Gentleman and the Reverend James William Benson of Chinley Parsonage in the parish of Glossop Trustees and EXECUTORS I devise all estates vested in me as trustee or mortgage To such uses as the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my will shall before the expiration of twenty one years from the death of the survivor of the trustees named in my will appoint by deed and in default of appointment and subject thereto To the use of the said William Slack Barnes Samuel Needham Charles Lingard and James William Benson and their heirs as joint tenants for the estates which I have therein Upon and subject to the trusts and equities affecting the same respectively I direct all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses to be paid out of my residuary personal estate I bequeath to the said Samuel Needham Charles Lingard and James William Benson the sum of one hundred pounds each and request them to accept the same as some acknowledgment of the trouble they will be put to as my executors I bequeath all my Anatomical preparations now or late in the possession of my friend Frederick Lallemand of Macclesfield Surgeon to the trustees of the Macclesfield Infirmary for the use and benefit of that Institution I bequeath to my servant Sarah Lomas in case she shall continue in my service until my death an annuity or yearly sum of forty pounds for her life payable quarterly the first payment thereof to be made to her at the expiration of three calendar months from my death And I direct my executors as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to set apart and invest a principal sum sufficient by means of the dividends thereof to answer the said annuity and in the meantime to pay the same out of my residuary personal estate such principal sum upon the death of the said Sarah Lomas to be dealt with as part of my said residuary personal estate And I direct that a proportionate part of the said annuity shall be payable from the last quarterly payment to the day of the death of the said Sarah Lomas I bequeath to the said William Slack Barnes all my household stores and provisions goods and chattels and effects (except such of them as are hereinafter bequeathed as heirlooms ) for his own use absolutely subject to the conditions hereinafter contained respecting his taking my surname of "Slacke" I devise all that my building and property known as the Town Hall situate in Chapel-en-le-Frith aforesaid with the land and purtenances thereto belonging unto the said William Slack Barnes Samuel Needham Charles Lingard and James William Benson for their own use and benefit absolutely as joint tenants for all my estate and interest therein I devise all my messuages lands hereditaments and estate at Slacke Hall in the several occupations of myself Jonathan Smith and George Cooper my estate at Maglow in the occupation of William Lomas and my two small farms at Stoneyford now or late in the several occupations of George Hadfield and George Shirt all in the parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith in the county of Derby with the rights easements and appurtenants thereto respectively belonging And the several Chief rents payable from and charged upon lands and other hereditaments in the parishes of Chapel-en-le-Frith and Glossop in the county of Derby now or late in the several occupations of John Middleton John Bennett Surgeon and John Handford and all my reversions and remainders if any of an in the same lands and hereditaments And all other my freehold and copyhold messuages lands tenements and hereditaments (if any) whatsoever and wheresoever not hereinbefore devised unto the said William Slack Barnes (son of my late friend and relation John Barnes Surgeon) for his life for his own use without impeachment of waste and after his decease unto the first and every other son successively of the said William Slack Barnes in remainder one after another and the heirs male of the body of each such son every elder son and the heirs male of his body taking before every younger son and the heirs male of his body and on failure of such issue unto my friend Titus Hibbert Ware of Southport in the county of Lancaster Esquire Barrister-at-Law his heirs and assigns for ever Provided always that every person having a surname different from the surname hereinafter required to be used who shall be entitled as tenant for life or in tail under the limitations hereinbefore contained shall as to every such tenant within twelve calendar months after he shall become entitled in possession if of the age of twenty one years or if not within twelve calendar months after attaining that age assume and use my surname of "Slacke" either alone or in addition to his usual surname (but so that the name of "Slacke" shall be the last and principal name) and shall thenceforth continue on all occasions to use such surname of "Slacke" And that every person becoming entitled as aforesaid but being excluded by reason of his already bearing the surname of "Slacke" from the operation of the requisitions aforesaid shall continue the use of such surname on all occasions And that in case of neglect or refusal to comply with all or any of the requisitions of this proviso the estate or estates hereinbefore limited for the life of the person or as the case may be the estate tail hereby limited to the person or ancestor of the person who shall be guilty of such neglect shall cease and the subsequent limitations be accelerated yet so that if any estate limited to the issue of the said William Slack Barnes shall be contingent when his life estate shall cease a limitation Unto and to the use of the said Samuel Needham Charles Lingard and James William Benson their executors and administrators shall spring up and immediately precede the estate in contingency Upon trust to preserve the same but to permit the rents and profits to be received and enjoyed by the person or persons for the time being entitled to the first vested remainder therein I declare it to be my wish that when and in case the ultimate limitation of my said freehold and copyhold hereditaments to the said Titus Hibbert Ware his heirs and assigns shall take effect in possession he and they will assume and use my surname of "Slacke" but I do not intend this expression of my wishes to be deemed binding upon him and them either at law or in equity I direct that the Library of Books with the book-cases and appendages the pictures and framed prints and other articles of vertu which at my decease shall be in or about or belonging to my Mansion House of Slacke Hall in which I now reside and all my plate and jewels there and elsewhere shall be annexed to the same Mansion House as heirlooms to be enjoyed by the person or persons for the time being beneficially entitled to the same Mansion House under the limitations hereinbefore contained but so that such heirlooms shall be subject to an executory limitation over on the death of any tenant in tail under the age of twenty one years without leaving issue in tail living at his death to or in favour of the person or persons entitled under the subsequent limitations according to the tenor of such limitations And I direct my executors within three calendar months after my death to case an Inventory to be made of the said heirlooms and place one copy of such Inventory signed by them and by the person then entitled to the enjoyment of the said heirlooms among the Muniments of Title to my said Mansion House to be kept therewith and keep another copy so signed in their possession And whereas by an Indenture of Deed of Gift dated on or about the third day of April one thousand eight hundred and seventy one I have conveyed and transferred all my beneficial estate and interest whether vested or contingent in the residue of the real and personal estate to which I am now or may hereafter become entitled under or by virtue of the Will and Codicils of my late dear brother John Slack unto his widow and relict Eliza Slack her heirs executors administrators and assigns subject to my contingent estate for my life therein Now I do hereby confirm the said Deed in every respect and for the better confirmation thereof I give devise and bequeath to my said sister in law Eliza Slack for her own absolute use and benefit all my beneficial estate and interest whether present or future vested or contingent under the said will and codicils of my said late brother John Slack I give devise and bequeath all the residue and remainder of my real and personal estate unto the said William Slack Barnes Samuel Needham Charles Lingard and James William Benson their heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the several natures and qualities thereof respectively Upon trust as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to sell get in and convert the same into money and after payment thereout of all the expenses attending such sale getting in and conversion and of my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses Upon trust to pay thereout or out of such parts thereof as may lawfully be applied thereto the following legacies or sums of money namely To the trustees of the Chapel or Meeting House of Protestant Congregational Dissenters situate in Chinley in the county of Derby aforesaid of which the said Reverend James William Benson at the date of this my will is Minister the sum of two thousand pounds for the repairs support and endowment of such Chapel such sum to be invested and from time to time reinvested by the trustees for the time being of the said Chapel upon securities now of hereafter for the time being allowed by law for the investment of Religious or Charitable Trusts Funds and the annual income thereof applied in the first place towards keeping the said Chapel and the Graveyard thereto belonging with the gates and fences thereof in good and substantial repair order and condition having especial regard to the repair cleaning and painting of the Tombs and Tombstones of my late brother John and of my father and mother in the said Graveyard and in the next place towards the increase of the stipend of the Minister of such Chapel for the time being To the trustees of the Macclesfield Infirmary for its endowment the sum of one thousand pounds To my old Friend and Clerk to me as a Justice of the Peace William Bennett of Chapel-en-le-Frith aforesaid Solicitor the sum of one hundred pounds and to my executors the said William Slack Barnes Samuel Needham Charles Lingard and James William Benson the sum of five hundred pounds for the enlargement and improvement of the aforesaid Town Hall situate at Chapel-en-le-Frith And upon trust to pay the residue of the said net moneys to arise from the sale getting in and conversion of my said residuary real and personal estates Unto the said William Slack Barnes Titus Hibbert Ware and Byron Simpson (son of Robert Simpson late of Alderley aforesaid but now of Southport in the county of Lancaster Esquire) or such one or two of them as shall be living at my death to be divided between and amongst them if more than one in equal shares I direct that the aforesaid pecuniary legacies and residue (except the legacies to the said Samuel Needham Charles Lingard and James William Benson) shall not be considered due or payable until four years from my death but may all or any of them be paid earlier at the absolute discretion of my executors when they deem such payment convenient to my estate but I direct that the said legacies and residue shall be respectively vested in the several persons entitled thereto immediately upon my death and that the legacies shall carry interest at four pounds per centum per annum from the expiration of one year after my decease I also direct that the legacies hereinbefore bequeathed for religious or charitable purposes shall be paid exclusively out of such part of my personal estate as may be lawfully appropriated to such purposes and preferably to any other payment thereout and that the respective receipts of the major part of the trustees for the time being of the said Chapel in Chinley also of the major part of the trustees for the time being of the said Macclesfield Infirmary shall be good and sufficient discharges to my executors paying the same for the respective legacies hereinbefore bequeathed to the trustees of such Chapel and Infirmary respectively I also direct that the legacy duty and all the expenses incident to all the legacies as well specific as pecuniary and the said annuity bequeathed by this my will shall be paid by my trustees and executors out of the moneys to arise from the same getting in and conversion of my residuary estate in order that the respective charities and legatees may receive the benefit of my bequests without deduction I also direct my executors to retain the legacy of two thousand pounds hereinbefore bequeathed to the trustees of the said Chapel in Chinley in their own hands for so long after the expiration of one year from my death as shall be necessary to enable them by means of the income thereof to pay for the erections of a new Tombstone to the memory of my father and mother and a new Scotch rough wall set in lime mortar in lieu of the present fence round the Graveyard of the said Chapel And I also direct that if at my death or when the said legacy of two thousand pounds hereinbefore bequeathed to the trustees of the said Chapel in Chinley shall become payable the number of such trustees for the time being acting shall be less than five or being of that number they or the majority of them shall not in the opinion of the acting executors or executor of this my will be of good character and substantial means of which my said executors or executor shall be the absolute judges my said executors or executor shall have power to with-hold the payment of the said legacy to the trustees and to retain such legacy and invest the same in their own names or name and apply the income thereof in manner hereinbefore mentioned I declare that the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my will shall have a discretionary power to postpone for a period of four years after they shall have become entitled in possession to any part or parts thereof respectively the sale getting in and conversion of any part of my residuary estate but the same shall in equity be deemed converted into money from the time of my death and shall be subject to the trusts hereinbefore contained concerning the moneys to arise therefrom as aforesaid and be accordingly descendable or transmissible as personal estate I empower my said trustees or trustee to compound or allow time for the payment of any debt or debts due to my estate and to satisfy all demands against my estate which they or he may deem just whether supported by strictly legal evidence or not and to settle all accounts between me and any person or persons on such terms as my said trustees or trustee shall in their or his discretion think expedient and to refer any matters in difference to arbitration I hereby also direct and declare that if any person or persons claiming any property devised or bequeathed by this my will shall dispute the validity of this my will or of any devise bequest or other disposition herein or in any codicil hereto contained or if any such person or persons shall refuse to confirm this my will so far as he and they can and to do and execute all or any such acts deeds and things as of such person or persons can be reasonably required for the fully and perfectly carrying into effect all or any of the dispositions of this my will or if any proceedings shall at any time be taken with the consent or connivance of any such person or persons by means or in consequence of which any estate or interest could be in any way attainable by him or them or in his or their right of larger extent or value than is by this my will given to him or them or those through whom he or they claim and such proceedings shall not be formally and at once disavowed stayed or resisted by such person or persons to the full extent of his or their power so to do then and in any such case all the devises bequests and benefits hereinbefore contained to or in favour of or devolving upon such person or persons or any of them shall cease and be void to all intents and purposes whatsoever and are hereby revoked accordingly And ( in the event lastly hereinbefore contemplated ) as to all the property hereinbefore devised and bequeathed to or in favour of or devolving upon such person or persons as aforesaid and so forfeited and revoked as aforesaid I give over devise and bequeath the same property unto and for the benefit of the person or persons who would have been entitled thereto under this my will in case the person or persons whose devises bequests and benefits are revoked as aforesaid had died in my lifetime And in case of the forfeiture of the residue of the net moneys to arise from the sale getting in and conversion of my residuary real and personal estates hereinbefore bequeathed by all of them the said William Slack Barnes Titus Hibbert Ware and Byron Simpson or by all such of them as shall survive me Then and in such case I bequeath the same residue unto George Lallemand son of the said Frederick Lallemand absolutely for his own use and benefit And lastly I revoke all former wills IN WITNESS whereof I have signed my name to this my will contained on this and the six preceding sheets of paper this eighth day of March one thousand eight hundred and seventy eight - Thomas Slacke - SIGNED by the said Thomas Slacke as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us together present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as attesting witnesses - Jonathan Smith Farmer Slacke Hall - George Cooper Farmer Slacke Hall
THIS IS A CODICIL to the last will and testament of me Thomas Slacke of Slacke Hall in the parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith in the county of Derby Esquire Doctor of Medicine and which will bears date on the eighth day of March one thousand eight hundred and seventy eight Whereas I have by my said will made the Reverend William Slack Barnes Titus Hibbert Ware and Byron Simpson my residuary legatees Now I do declare this to be a Codicil to my said will and do hereby make and add my sister in law Eliza Slack of Bowdon Hall in the said parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith the widow of my late brother John Slack a Residuary Legatee along with an in addition to the said William Slack Barnes Titus Hibbert Ware and Byron Simpson And I hereby give and bequeath unto her a share of my said residuary estate accordingly so that wherever the said William Slack Barnes Titus Hibbert Ware and Byron Simpson are named in my said will as Residuary Legatees I will desire and direct my said will to be read as if the said Eliza Slack’s name appeared there and were added and written along with the said William Slack Barnes Titus Hibbert Ware and Byron Simpson and construed accordingly And in all other respects I ratify and confirm my said will IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of June one thousand eight hundred and seventy eight - Thomas Slacke - SIGNED and acknowledged by the said Thomas Slacke as and for a codicil to his last will and testament in the presence of us being present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses - JONATHAN SMITH Farmer Slacke Hall - GEORGE COOPER Farmer Slacke Hall -
Proved (with a codicil) at Derby 3rd October 1878